- Find a hobby! you're not alone, most boys/men when they find themselves alone with nothing to do turn their minds to masturbation.
- There's nothing wrong with a little masturbation time here and there but if you feel you're doing too much try to occupy your time with other things and people.
Try to avoid anything that will bring you to thinking about it.
Masturbation is very addictive because of the strong sexual sensations that accompany it. Like any addiction, you will need to take baby steps. Go a week in between (or a day if that is too long), then gradually more and more in between the times you masturbate. If stopping, cold turkey, works well for you, try that as well.
Find other things to occupy your time. Idle time is dangerous and your mind will eventually wander to the thing your body craves. Do something else that makes you feel good, like a hot bath or massage.
To stop masturbating keep your hands busy at all times, keep your mind off of sex and other things that make you horny, there is no need to masturbate that much in one day, trust me it feels better waiting for longer.
Don't think of masturbation as an "addiction". It could be an addiction if it takes up an inordinate amount of your day; if it interferes with doing other things; if your genitalia becomes red and sore; if it dominates your thoughts etc...then it could be an "addiction".
Try cutting down on how often you do it at first then progress from there. Get rid of any visual material that you use for masturbation, IE, magazines and films.
- You could try limiting that activity that encourages it.
- Stick to reducing the number of occasions.
- When you feel the urge to masturbate you could immediately busy yourself with a different activity.
- You could speak to a therapist.
- You could eliminate things that are very stimulating (sexual movies or literature) among other things.
- Keeping track of the number of occasions, visualize the frequency and consciously take to task reducing the time you spend self-stimulating.
- Modifying a behavior takes hard work and time.
I've had trouble with this also but the best thing to do is...
When you're just about to masturbate...
- Eat
- Pray
- Talk to someone
- Call someone, anything to keep you distracted, but still satisfied.
- Twidling you're thumbs is good also.
- Decrease the amount of time/or times you do it a day.
Comments for not stopping:
Masturbation is not a bad thing. It can be very helpful at times. If you are afraid of having sex at a party where there might be intercourse, masturbating beforehand can prevent urges. If you truly want to stop masturbating, all I can say is, avoid pornography and just try to think clean thoughts.
You should not stop masturbating....studies have shown it has harmful effects on the body. If you think you must then concentrate on something else or do something time consuming when the need arises. It's hard to stop but not impossible.
There's no need to stop! Masturbation is not bad, it was never bad. It is rather good as it acts as a safety valve. If you really want to stop, seek an alternative.
Like any activity, as long as you do not do it "to excess" and cause personal injury, why not carry on doing it?
Masturbation is a normal part of life especially in men. Although many women enjoy masturbation, some don't care for it. They aren't basically comfortable with it. If you are constantly masturbating then you have a problem, but, if you occasionally masturbate it's perfectly normal.
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